To address the high prevalence of preventable hepatitis in our community, Hep-TEV is dedicated to free screens and vaccinations to at-risk individuals.
The Hepatitis Testing, Education, and Vaccination (Hep-TEV) Section offers our services on Saturdays providing counseling and testing for Hepatitis A, B, and C as well as vaccination for Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Influenza. We provide services in clinic and to clients on outreach visits to shelters and encampments. In addition, we provide HIV and tuberculosis counseling and testing services.
Hepatitis is a serious public health concern affecting the liver and with multiple modes of transmission for the Hepatitis viruses. However, infection is preventable with vaccination and practicing harm reduction strategies. Such strategies include using barriers during sexual activity and not sharing needles.
In addition to our services at the Berkeley Free Clinic, Hep-TEV also partners with:
Berkeley Needle Exchange every other Thursdays, 6PM - 8PM, at the cross-section of Hearst and San Pablo in Berkeley
Punks with Lunch every other Sundays, 3PM - 7PM, at 35th and Peralta Encampments
Volunteering with Hep-TEV
Applications for Hep-TEV 2022 training are closed.
The Hep-TEV Section is made up of volunteers and lay health workers concerned about the well-being of our community. We teach our volunteers counseling skills and safe practices for providing Hepatitis screenings and vaccinations. Education is a crucial component of our services, but previous professional experience in our services is not a requirement for consideration for our program.
If you have any questions, please contact heptevtc@berkeleyfreeclinic.org.
Hepatitis is a disease that affects the liver. There are 3 common types. Hepatitis A: Transmitted from fecal to oral, typically through contaminated food or water. Can be prevented with a safe, effective vaccine. Hepatitis B: Transmitted from blood, sexual fluids, or mother to child. Can be prevented with a safe, effective vaccine. Hepatitis C: Transmitted from blood. Can be cured with medications. Get tested and vaccinated today! Contact the Berkeley Free Clinic for testing and more!
La hepatitis es una enfermedad que afecta al hígado. Hay 3 tipos comunes. Hepatitis A: Se transmite de la materia fecal a la oral, generalmente a través de alimentos o agua contaminados. Se puede prevenir con una vacuna segura y eficaz. Hepatitis B: Se transmite de la sangre, los fluidos sexuales o de madre a hijo. Se puede prevenir con una vacuna segura y eficaz. Hepatitis C: Transmitida por la sangre. Se puede curar con medicamentos. Hágase la prueba y vacúnese hoy! ¡Comuníquese con la Berkeley Free Clinic para hacerse pruebas y más!