Client Perspective: Larissa
Q. Why did you choose to come to the BFC for healthcare services?
A. I came to BFC because I have had so many problems with doctors dismissing me. I was assaulted and didn't want to deal with another doctor trying to put me on anti-depressants when I need services.
Q. Have you been to the clinic multiple times? Is there anything unique about your experience(s) at the clinic compared to other healthcare providers?
A. No. I've only been to the clinic once.
Q. Would you recommend the clinic to others? Why?
A. Yes. It was quiet, professional and compassionate service.
Q. Anything else you'd like to add?
A. Even in the face of the ACA there are still many people without equitable or affordable health care. I have a genetic marker that means my body does not respond to conventional medications and treatments like most people. The holistic treatments and alternative therapies that do work for me are not covered by insurance which means I do not have coverage even though I have health insurance. Also, a person who does not have a job cannot afford to buy into the ACA OR the fines for not buying into the ACA. As the argument over covering women's reproductive health continues, that becomes another area where women do not have health coverage.