Information about COVID-19
COVID-19 (i.e. coronavirus) is a highly infectious disease that can result in serious health complications, such as pneumonia or death. Common symptoms include fever, coughing, and shortness of breath, which may appear 2-14 days after exposure.
How do I protect myself/others?
Because there currently is no vaccine to prevent COVID-19, the best way to prevent illness and avoid spreading it to others is to avoid being exposed to the virus.
Wear a face mask that covers your nose and mouth in public
Stay at home or in one location as much as possible
Maintain at least 6-10 feet of distance from others
Wash your hands often
Don't touch your face
Cover your coughs and sneezes -- cough into your elbow or use a tissue, throw it away, and wash your hands immediately
Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces
Additional information from the CDC: How to Protect Yourself & Others.
What do I do if I feel ill?
If you are experiencing a medical emergency (including trouble breathing), call 9-1-1.
Otherwise, if you are experiencing mild to moderate fever or coughing:
Stay at home or in one location, except to get medical care. Isolate from others in your home/tent/location if possible.
Wear a face mask/bandana to cover your coughs
Call your primary care provider (if you have one) or a local urgent care center. You can also contact your local Department of Public Health (DPH) for additional guidance:
Berkeley DPH, M-F 8am-5pm: (510) 981-5300
Berkeley DPH After Hours: (510) 981-5911
Alameda DPH, M-F 8:30am-5pm: (510) 267-8000
Alameda DPH After Hours: (925) 422-7595
If you're unhoused, call Alameda Healthcare for the Homeless: (510) 891-8950
Additional information from the CDC: What to Do If You Are Sick.
General COVID-19 Information
The following links contain general information, news, and updates about COVID-19:
National updates & information - Centers for Disease Control
State - CA Department of Public Health
Local - Berkeley Department of Public Health & Alameda Department of Public Health
Resource Lists
The following links are crowd-sourced resource lists that are continuously being updated:
Bay Area Mass Resource List — compiled by the Freedom Community Clinic
Alameda County Houseless Resources During COVID-19 Shelter in Place Order (ask for permission to access)
Bay Area COVID-19 Resource List — compiled by Asian Americans for Civil Rights and Equality
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates and Resources for People Living with HIV — East Bay Getting to Zero