Donate Now
The Berkeley Free Clinic is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and donations are fully tax deductible.
Donations from community members, organizations, and businesses are what allow us to continue to provide free, accessible health care to people in need. State and local funding cuts make your donation more important than ever!
We have partnered with Paypal and Stripe in order to safely handle your tax deductible online donations. Whether you want to make a one-time donation or donate monthly, your support helps us continue to provide important services to our community!
Donate by Mail
Please make checks or money orders payable to the Berkeley Free Clinic and send them to:
Berkeley Free Clinic
2339 Durant Ave
Berkeley, CA 94704
Please do not send cash via mail.
Donate Supplies
You can donate supplies that you already have, or buy us items directly from our Gift Hero wishlist.
If you have any questions, please email