Kasper and the GMHC's 30th Birthday

2006 marked the 30th anniversary of our Gay Men's Health Collective (GMHC), and in true Berkeley Free Clinic fashion, we celebrated with a raucous burlesque show. “I still remember the cowboy who stripped while bouncing on the pogo stick,” said Jane Maxwell, a phlebotomy volunteer. But Kasper, the GMHC alum who organized much of the event, mostly remembers all the work it took to get the night off the ground.

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Alla Barbalat
Vision Services Up and Running

The new optical services partnership with Mindful Eyes is getting glasses to clients on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month from 5:30 until 7:30pm.  Each week we have been seeing about 9 clients who need, but can’t afford, new prescription eyeglasses or reading glasses.

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Alla Barbalat